Absolute readiness mhgu

Absolute readiness mhgu. Blast dash helps with mobility and charges quickly and dragon blast does really good damage. You can try Valor or Adept SnS too but you only get one HA. Since you like SnS, I'd say use Striker style with Absolute Readiness/Evasion, Round Force, and Chaos Oil. Might be good for shorter hunts. If you were using a deviant weapon, which grants bonus to hunter art build up, it was that much easier. Obviously you should use what you want to do (the goal is to have fun after all), but I don't know if there is a time when any hunter art would be better than Wolf's Maw. Those 2 Hunter Arts charge incredibly quickly and you can use them to dodge and reposition yourself. Personally, I like Absolute Readiness because it allows for aggressive play and let's you reposition and dodge. 280 raw, 45 drgn. But lion's maw still looks dope af Surprisingly, the Athal-ka GS built like you intended (weakness exploit + stack affinity) outperforms weapons that have a high inherent affinity. Valstrax might still be good for skipping Absolute Readiness or focusing on element. Hammer. For sieging monster like fatalis, narkako, and final boss Valor SA is very effective. Besides this are the generic arts, of which only the Absolutes are particularly relevant. But absolute evasion or absolute readiness is better if you're still new to the game. In every other case, WEx provides a little more damage. Ahtal Ka is generally better but Authority has its spot. Go to the Item Box in your house or in the Prep Area to equip Hunter Arts. With a decent group that knows what they are doing ex fatalis isn't too bad. The times they get are absolutely insane. The hunter arts aren't really needs in adept style so abosuktw readiness makes it faster to reload and can be used if an adept dodge cannot be used. But it just saved my ass from failing a quest after getting comboed. Frenzy Fever: Immediate activation of Affinity-Boosting Effect. The idea here seems to be to replace Razor Sharp on sets with Bludgeoner, and replace Absolute Readiness with some other Art to abuse the Hunter Art boost. You can start with a WE, CE3, Focus, Critboost set. Valor stance plus absolute readiness and farcaster gives you multiple chances. Provides good evasion and encourages aggressive play style. But yeah you should go play around with the MHGU armor set search, just look that up on In all honesty though some weapon is more effective against certain monster. Guild style with absolute evade / ready. The skill let you swap absolute readiness for abs evasion, which charges faster and let you sheath weapon so you can get your next draw crit. This meant that it was easier to always have one of the two Absolute Evasion/Readiness skills at the ready. The simplest hit-and-run technique for GS. You get 100 affinity on weakspots. I tend to use Absolute Readiness, Enraged Guard and either Corkscrew Thrust or Healing Shield as my hunter arts too May as well slap in Absolute Readiness for quicker Slicing reloads: you use Valour loaded Slicing Ammo to get into the Valour State real quick. Feel free to try everything in this game. Plus an alternative is to use that other art combo the one with the bug aura followed by the huge slam but I never really use that. Recommended Hunter Arts: Absolute Readiness (SP) Sakura Slash III; Unhinged Spirit III Readiness. I think I might need better armor so I’m trying to go for dreadking rn(I’m using long sword). It's classic Gunlance, but to carry 3 cool Hunter Arts like AA Flare, Blast Dash, and Absolute Readiness. Do I need to complete the subquest too? Or is there a village quest by the same name and I am confusing the two? But with absolute readiness and a Seregios weapons you can put those useless whetstones in the box where the belong #RIPWhetstones #SteveAndAbsoluteReadinessMasterRace Absolute Readiness: Complete the HR3 Hub Quest "Wyvern Sand Runners" Heal Gain: Complete the 3* Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the HR3 Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel". Striker gives an additional +5% red shield damage boost (1. Reply reply Where Absolute Evasion ends the dodge with your weapon sheathed, Absolute Readiness ends it with your weapon drawn, and also returns it some sharpness and/or reloads its clip. Most complete kit of all the styles. If you're running a Style with 1 Art you should build for more sharpness on your Hammer to account for not having Readiness. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate reddit community! Alchemy Style really puts the restrictions on your moveset, but makes your basic combo really obvious, just mash X. R3 can be considered a poor man's Rustrazor Splitter, losing 20 raw, half the white sharp and the Hunter Art boost for 5% more aff, a slot and innate Bladescale, still letting you skip Absolute Readiness. In case you're curious, absolute evasion sheaths your weapon so you can use items, and absolute readiness keeps your weapon out and sharpens it a bit so you can go Absolute Evade: Unlocked at startAbsolute Readiness: Clear HR3 Wyvern Sand RunnersHeal Gain: Clear village 3-star Tusked TantrumHunter’s Oasis: Complete 5 re As a hunter with a curiosity for optimization, and simple curiosity for how individual weapons perform, I made this spreadsheet as an analysis of how my favorite weapons performed, and I soon realized that finding out how all weapons performed was a much more helpful task for those around the internet, and for those looking to branch out into new weapons- I'm happy to say that Generations • For Hunter Arts, Absolute Readiness/Evasion are still great as always. Narga is a speedy little devil, and crit juncture is fairly difficult to hit on him I find. The sharpness is okay. Striker style is hands down the best style, hunter arts for sns are good. Overall the Rustrazor set would still be preferred. Every other blademaster weapon usually needs Razor Sharp + Absolute Readiness or naturally long sharpness. In both cases you lose some raw and only 5% crit only using Ch1 instead. Does lose the charged backstep skill. It depends on weapons and quests. LS doesn't need element that much last time I checked so Jho it is. 290 raw, 43 drgn. With striker style you can have absolute readiness and absolute evasion to get out of bad situations. Guild Style is mostly just here because having both Extract Hunter (for easy triple up) and Absolute Readiness (for easy sharpness) together is useful plus the SP benefits aren't bad either. Increased defence when using items outside of sheath. Hunter Art boost works well with Alchemy I guess. Glaive. Research has 300 raw, 25% aff, decent nat purple, OOO. You lose the shield bash, but get a higher damage multiplier on axe mode with red shield. In general, Crystalbeard's weps have 370-380 raw, 10% aff and green sharp that takes up half the sharpness gauge. you get challenge sheath too. I haven't unlocked all the arts but i would imagine Ripper Shield + Absolute Evasion and Readiness. Hub Quests I won't be repeating any of the arts that unlock for every weapon at once in the chart. Demon Riot: +15% to effects. Round force II or absolute readiness? I use guild sns so i dunno what to choose just want to hear yall's opinions on which one is comfortable for you guys thank you. Guard Thrust I -> Guard Thrust II -> Slam -> Full Burst. Hunter Arts (狩技) are big, dramatic moves that you can perform when you're out on a hunt. Skill wise I always like to aim for Razor Sharp, Evade Extender, Guard +2 and Guard up (although I've got a stupidly good razor talisman). Your reply helped me a lot <3 Thanks and have fun hunting ~ That's good. But if you want to bring a different art other than AR (I'm assuming your style only allows 1 art), go ahead and use RS (if accessible). what seems to be less known, is that the amount of gauge filled can change based on the power of the attack you just dodged: using absolute readiness (420 points to activate), I noticed that by dodging through roars I was getting a miserable amount of gauge (like 20 points or so, nothing that helps to Jan 7, 2022 · Per the above, Chaos Oil, Round Force plus Absolute Readiness is an incredible combination of Arts for the Sword and Board. 250pts. 704pts SP. Recommended Hunter Arts: Absolute Readiness (SP) Sakura Slash III; Unhinged Spirit III IMO the extra points in sharpness aren’t worth it for the damage loss since with either gs you can just use absolute readiness to keep up your sharpness. Instant activation, fast charge time, raises sharpness and gives you a quite length i-frame dodge that can go through literally any attack. Sports a lengthy period of invulnerability and sheathes your weapon automatically upon use. CE3, WE, Crit Boost, Horn Maestro. Absolute Evasion/Absolute Readiness: Two evades, rather than one. While Guarding: X, X, X, A. Not the most ideal build but I dont play HH a lot. Edit: Thanks, after reading your post found the inspiration to make a new SA set. focus on the head, it's the weakest part. Absolute Readiness. For second art, Round Force is a amazing. If you spam absolute readiness in combination with razor sharp you will literally never need to use a whetstone. I plan to use the fatalis destroyer with absolute readiness. Absolute Evasion is good too, but it sheathes your weapon and does not restore sharpness, Readiness does AND it makes you come out of the dodge weapon in hand. Absolute Readiness restores 10 sharpness, so with razor sharp it's very good at maintaining sharpness even on weapons like Gunlance. 420pts. Absolute Readiness: 420: Perform a corkscrew-like evasion. silverwind armor is pretty decent, if you have a tenderizer 6 ooo talisman and youre using a weapon with natural purple sharpness and the HA absolute readiness, if you wanna play with the evade skills. Especially if you dont feel like using Readiness spam to upkeep sharpness over longer fights and wanna use Juncture or another HA. Striker IG w/ Carnage Beetle - Same idea as Valor, but instead you can uniquely hold a kinsect charge during your glaive attacks by holding A, which lets you use charged kinsect launches to reset combos or as a fairly decent projectile when . Choose the ones you like/can fit on a set Absolute Readiness Absolute Evasion Energy Blade III HG Earplugs Artillery Novice Dreadking Soul Weakness Exploit Felyne Bulldozer Felyne Bombardier CantaPerMe 2nd Tigrex Blade 08'47"50 Striker Style Absolute Readiness Absolute Evasion Frenzy Fever Attack Up (M) Razor Sharp Weakness Exploit Artillery Novice Felyne Bombardier Felyne Gamechanger The hunter arts i equip are Corkscrew lvl 2, absolute readiness, and Enraged Guard lvl 3. Lagiacrus has almost as long white, 20% aff and 34 thunder, but loses 30 raw. GS doesn't really benefit from readyness, brimstone slash is an alternative but it's also the fastest way to get carted, lions maw is a way better choice. Charge Blade will have a slightly harder time if you do too much blocking without a red shield or use a lot of axe moves. And the skills you want to go for are: Weakness Exploit Critical Boost Repeat Offender/Critical Eye +3 Pierce Up It's unlikely you'll have much space after that, but if you do, plug in I remember playing through LR and HR in MHW with lance then I switched to GL and my time per mission drastically reduced and thought "wow this is a ton better". For other weapons it depends. You can neutral unsheathe by pressing X while standing still (or by pressing X+A while walking [which doesn't work while running]) to unsheathe without ruining the double notes you have lined up. At least you have multiple solutions then. Maintaining purple on the Crimson Fatty hammer is really hard with only Sharpness +1 and Absolute Readiness, whereas it's rather easy with the Mantis Hammer. Escape Runner: None Hunter Arts - MHGU - Kiranico - Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Database. Gunpowder Infusion: +5 Edit: To actually answer your question, absolute evasion, absolute readiness and ripper shield are your best friends. For swords I like the Decider/punisher/Martyr line because it uses generic stuff (ores/beetles) to upgrade so you won't need to farm anything in specific. Share By far best skills are Absolute Readiness and/or Extract Hunter. The best lbg is the hurricanes gaze which is the silverwing nargacuga lbg but the normal nargucga lbg is another great option as they rapid fire pierce 1 Take with a pinch of salt as i'm still completing MHGU village but mained CB in Rise & W/IB. Insect Glaive definitely is the hardest to maintain since if you don't go for enough of the A2 sweep finisher, Absolute Readiness will not charge fast enough even with Razor Sharp. Razor sharp is a "nice to have" but not required on slow-hitting weapons like hammer and GS. Hunter Arts include powerful attacks, powerful counter-attacks, and ways to heal yourself or other Hunters. But AA Flare is good for quickly reloading and locking heat with a guard point at the beginning and end, and has a huge stagger modifier on fliers to knock them down. P. Mass Combiner: Complete 5 Pokke Quests. S+2 still required the odd sharpen in longer hunts even when using Absolute Readiness. Most of the hunter arts are about equal for effectiveness but AA flare and wyvern's breath help with heat gauge management and absolute readiness helps with sharpness management. SnS. Escape Runner: None. So I dont think you can expect it to stay purple without a skill for it. you can get a good hit in when it turns towards you. " For context Guild style can bring 2 Arts, Striker and Alchemy can bring 3, the rest of the styles can only bring 1 art. Just unlocked G rank and the absolute zero quest was soooooo disgustingly hard don’t wanna ever do that again lol. This brings up the first question: should I use Energy Charge + Demon Riot as the last two, or Demon Riot + Absolute Readiness? As I've seen in other posts, because of the -30% Aff, the positive crits cap at 70% without Frenzy Fever active. if survival is a problem, maybe consider adept or valor style or use absolute readiness/evasion as the hunter art. But you will need to use Absolute readiness and crit draw - Absolute Readiness - Sakura Slash III - Unhinged Spirit III / Critical Juncture III Adept - Absolute Readiness (You won't need Sakura Slash with adept since it is easy to increase your Spirit Gauge's level after an adept evade) Guild - Absolute Readiness - Sakura Slash III I'm hoping to use Striker with one of the arts as Frenzy Fever. HBG. 310 raw. Art build up is based on motion values, and in Striker style the lance charge finisher gets a substantial motion value boost. Other choices are Shagaru, same raw and drgn, loses long sharp for 25% aff, Alatreon, loses 12 drgn for 10 more raw and good natural purple. I'm serious. I'd still stick with elemental DBs. While sheathed, X, Side + B, Y. As for LS, for single area quests, you don’t have many chances to sharpen the weapon, razor sharp with absolute readiness can help maintain top sharpness, so generally it’s better. Absolute Evasion: None. Wyvern’s Breath: +20% Fire and Fixed damage on shots. Frenzy Fever: Complete the HR6 Hub Quest "Watch guild or brave are top tier alchemy and adept are close behind i just dont find them as reliable as the other two, aerial is fun striker is horrible, any anybody who uses hammer will agree with me. Vertical Slash -> Side Roll -> Sheathe. I picked these Alchemy Style really puts the restrictions on your moveset, but makes your basic combo really obvious, just mash X. Lion’s Maw: +15% damage on next attack. best hammers are, crimson fatty, ahtal ka, gore magala (because you can get 100 percent affinity with earplugs and purple so its popular against stuff like glav), and for deviant weapons if the I use adept lbg with absolute readiness. Authority Viator makes a good GS for sets with Challenger 2, Crit Eye 1, and WE. I generally use the Mantis hammer for the extra 60 defense (hayabusa feather has horrible defense) and the extra purple. Gunlance also has strong arts of its own, and being able to both bring Absolute Readiness and one of its own arts can make this style worth it. Valstrax has 300 raw, 44 drgn, obscene white, OO-. Compound skills that simultaneously trigger two or more skills. An evasion with lengthy invulnerability time, also sheathing your weapon. Just comparing Silverwind's weapons to other weapons. With good positioning, your counters, hops and guards should be enough to get you through most situations. Sheath Control +10: Combines the effects of "Punishing Draw" and "Quick Sheath. 280 raw, 55 drgn, O--. For lance, I don't recommend making a set with Guard skill, or guard up. Like Alchemy Lance, this combo provides a way to immediately transition out of Guards. The readiness keeps up purple some of the time, and white 90% of the time. I usually run Round Force/Chaos Oil/Readiness if playing SnS for pure offense and Shoryugeki/Chaos Oil/Readiness if playing Paralysis support with Deathgrip to add an additional form of CC. Hunter's Oasis: Complete 5 Bherna Quests. If handi 2 gets you from green to blue or blue to white, it's better. Additionally, Absolute Readiness is not as good on dual blades when compared to most other weapons. It does a ton of damage and charges the HA gauge quickly. This is not a skill tier list, nor are any skills recommended. Access to 3 HAs is good, but you won’t be using SP Mode much, except on Absolute Readiness, since you want those HAs up ASAP. Depends. 2/3 (end loop) This combo’s effectiveness relies on how exposed and static the monster’s head is. You won't crit every time but in the long run it still deals more damage. Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español maybe you were already knowing that, but adept evading actually charges the hunter art gauge. Valstrax makes it easier to skip Absolute Readiness for abusing Hunter Arts. SAED is bad, it eats your red shield as well as your phials. I mostly crafted it for fun since it lets me drop Absolute Readiness. LS could upgrade from absolute evasion to absolute readyness, for something flashy go Sakura slash, or for a strong attack to do a partbreak/stagger go critical juncture. Dec 24, 2021 · The Absolute Evasion and Absolute Readiness Arts, which both charge very quickly, are a godsend for the Hammer, especially the solo player, since it often requires getting into dangerous positions for headshots. 15x). Absolute Evasion. Not only my sharpness never dropped from blue. I would go absolute readiness (automatically sharpens, and gives you huge I frames), absolute evasion is a good replacement for this because you don't start with it, you get it in village 3 star. You don’t really need them as Adept very much, although Absolute Readiness’s sharpening effect can be nice depending on your situation. This document is meant to more explicitly explain the effects of skills in the game Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. 2x instead of 1. Readiness and Ripper Shield/Energy Blade is a good combo. After playing with absolute readiness. I tried it with the Ahtal-ka LS. I already memorized the timing of that thing and if you demon dodge it's just free hits. This is defo one of my most interesting kills in my bow career (if you don’t know, tactical retreat is similar to absolute readiness, but just for bows). I guess you could use R6 for crit sets if you aren't using Abs. You can maintain its sharpness using absolute readiness. OO-. (DB require more hits to charge absolute readiness because it hits so much SnS is raw. If using Valor style, then once you enter Valor Mode with your DB (full gauge), pressing R with the weapon drawn starts a long sprint that doesn’t use stamina. Overall the arts are there to tailor your experience to how you play, just like the styles. I'm trying to tell OP that it's harder to slot in a skill like Evasion or Evade Extender into their set without sacrificing offense. Super Full Wyvernsfire Burst Adept all of its rolls, after it is done with that, most times he'll turn around so get ready to hit a lv 3 charge on its face after adept evading, if it do the scatter big rocks roll (you can see some sparkles coming out of it when he is about to do that), use absolute readiness or get as far away as you can and get to ready to adept evade a Absolute Readiness; Hop Spam (loop) B, Boost Jump, A, B (sideways), Hold R until first or second flash, release towards monster, (end loop) (loop) Boost Jump -> Aerial Double Down -> Side Roll -> Charge Attack Lv. LBG. Rapids both Lvls of Dragon S. For Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Greatswords?". Hammer also doesn't really need that much sharpness. How to Read:\u000BSkill Tree Name <Tiers> | Skill Tier Name: Skill Description A | Ammo Saver - Avarice Ammo Saver Was Absolute readiness and round force II/III enough? Is the A combo also important to incorporate or is the R+X, X, X combo enough? Sorry if this sounds really dumb or if this sounds like a classic case of “git gud” (which it very well might) but I’ve seen others with very similar setups to mine still do exponentially better than me, so absolute evade vs readiness ineedsearch 7 years ago #1 was wondering whether to rank up to HR3 and get this instead of using absolute evasion for out of the fry pan. The mhgu community is so nice, I would still be stuck in uncapped G-Rank without the community and “insert hunter name HR999” coming in the lobby to help me beat the key quest that requires to slay both a G4 Gravios and G4 Glavenous together 😂 the Charged slam is an absolute joke. I want to know if sharpness +1 will be enough to maintain purple until readiness is ready? otherwise ill just stick with sharpness +2 comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Currently I'm using Ahtal-Ka's SA with the JhoCeana set, in striker mode with absolute readiness as the third art, but none of them with SP boost, in short, the basic endgame SA build In addition, both my cats have SP horns and one of them has a cheer horn It was easier to maintain purple sharpness with Razor Sharp + Absolute Readiness (the most OP art in the game because of this I personally think). You gain so much sharpness from this combo that you can forgo either Absolute Readiness or Razor Sharp. For Ahtal ka weapons, Razor sharp hands down. You'll have to decide whether crit ele is worth it depending on your weapon's natural affinity, if S+2 is worth it for purple, if razor sharp is worth it, if you're okay sacrificing Demon's Maw III for Absolute Readiness, and just making super specific sets for each pair of blades you make. You can get your mobility just by using Absolute Readiness/Evasion. The higher sharpness is just better for It's called Absolute Evade Lancing and it's what pretty much every Lance speedrunner uses. Style-Wise, your weapon may drop to green sharpness fairly quick since you're not running Absolute Readiness, so Sharpness +1 should be considered if you really want to use Guild with no Absolute Readiness. This is from a player who doesn't really use damage Hunter Arts, mostly sticks to Absolute Readiness, considers 80% affinity to be reliable and really doesn't like relying on Weakness Exploit for affinity because some Deviants straight up don't have a weak spot for some weapon types. Absolute Evasion / Lion’s Maw III; Absolute Readiness; The Basics. It probably doesn't help that lance required a lot of decos and the chip damage sucked before getting health augment. Personally I like Toyohisa and Ahtal Ka better because you can just use Absolute Readiness to maintain sharpness. I run a neset ser for the Astalos HH. That being said, striker helps make these easier with arts! Absolute readiness is an amazing art but absolute evasion is good as well, critical juncture takes time to learn how to use but is ridiculously strong and can act as a safety measure when you’re pressed into a corner. Evade with your weapon drawn, restoring Sharpness, reloading ammo, and applying phial coating. GS doesn’t need razor sharp for any quest since it takes less than 10 strikes to fill the absolute readiness gauge. Gunpowder Infusion: +5 I have been enjoying Strike so much. You can also use Absolute Readiness to do this, which you should always have equipped. Agree, some weapons with aerial style feel like cheating, like DS, CB or hammer. Art should be Absolute readiness to maintain sharpness. the only real problem is the tail spin: I feel like he does that move earlier so every time he does it I start get stressed, especially on the second one, where I end up being under him, don't seeing nothing and fainting. Whether you're using a Style with 1 Art or a Style with 2-3 Arts, since with only 1 Art you'll almost always want to bring Spinning Meteor over Absolute Readiness, because Spinning Meteor is very strong. Go with Absolute Readiness always with Limit Breaker and Energy Blade or Ripper Shield and Energy Blade. Some Arts like Absolute Evade and Absolute Readiness are universal so even if the weapons of your choice has no useful Arts, you can still go with them (it is in fact very common a lot of Weapon + Style combo prefers to just run one of the Absolutes as their only Hunter Art). Absolute Readiness: Complete the HR3 Hub Quest "Wyvern Sand Runners" Heal Gain: Complete the 3* Village Quest "Tusked Tantrum" or the HR3 Hub Quest "A Shocking Scoundrel". But yeah that set would work nicely, it has a pretty decent chunk of white so I feel you wouldn’t need to bring absolute readiness on hunts I think you’d be doing more damage if you used energy charge or demon riot cause those hunter arts are crazy good. Guild is nice too with two arts. Positioning should be easy to handle with both evade arts. Dreadking, mosgharl+Regios, Ceanataur. There is not much min-maxing in high rank, I'd just get something upgraded and it'd be fine. deviant armors are doo doo trash, only silverwind and soulseer are in an acceptable range of being usable, if you have a good enough charms to make them work that is. The Simple Charge. On the other hand, having white or better sharpness to ignore almost every bounce is pretty nice and you most certainly won't always be hitting weak points. 10-14 hits is also the charge rate for absolute readiness on most weapons, so you'll need to make up for those after subtracting the ones readiness can already take care of for you, making it even less relevant overall. Is this the case for GL in MHGU as well? 199 votes, 12 comments. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Striker is best in matchups where you can't take advantage of counter-attacking as much, and in matchups where using both Evasion arts for mobility is important. I've completed Wyvern Sand Runners in hunter hub 3 star; yet I don't seem to have Absolute Readiness available. If you have sheath sharpen +10 and ooo. 500pts SP. If you go more damage focused then energy blade is a great too when paired with the art that increases your total phials. But yeah the pyscho mantis is really good with crit draw since it doesn’t have any negative affinity or extra affinity. While sheathed, X (hold), release, Side + B, Y. Farm dash extract from meownster hunters to make mega dash juice, which shouldn't be necessary against most monsters. S. To be able to use a Everything I've found so far says 3* Hub quest Wyvern Sand Runners but I did that and I still don't have Absolute Readiness. Skills: damage Swap + and - buttons so you do the special attack/kick with +, dash into the monster, then do the X finisher. Every time you read this, squirrels randomly burst into flames. Full House: Faster Animation. So I can now see why people prefer this. Wow thanks for the info! Looks like I still got a long way to go. Absolute Evasion: 250: Perform a corkscrew-like evasion, providing a window of opportunity to make an emergency escape. does readiness charge up faster than evasion? Valstrax has 300 raw, 36 drgn, obscene white to skip Absolute Readiness, OO-. Only gets blue with Sharpness +1/2. 43K subscribers in the MHGU community. It’s okay to use this a lot at first, before you get used to monster timings. In general, Absolute Readiness is pretty broken. If you use Absolute Readiness + Striker, you charge the HA so quick you shouldn't have to slot in Evade Extender or Evasion. DBs are raw also. When I hit G rank, I started bringing mega dash juice and hunter drinks to almost every hunt. Now try Striker or even better, Alchemy, with Demon Riot III, Energy charge III and Absolute Readiness. Reply reply Absolute Evasion (SP) / Dragon’s Breath III; Absolute Readiness (SP) Blast Dash III (SP) / Dragon’s Breath III; Out-Of-Guard Slam. All of the arts that unlock through the Maccao urgent unlock through the 1* urgent in the hub (Blagonga) and the ones unlocked through the Tetsucabra and Malfestio are both unlocked through the 3* urgent in the hub (Astalos) Setup: Striker with Enraged Guard 3, absolute readiness and absolute evasion. Idk which hammer you're using but if you've got upgraded sharpness you should definitely be using the crimson fatalis hammer, 330 raw, 30 blast, a smidge of purple (run absolute readiness and you can avoid sharpening as much), 3 slots. Readiness. Euphony: 2nd Level Song Effects. But having Challenger+2 was a nice bonus. Rust is the same but without razor obviously. hswv pqvbz lgxin pxgz kaqy kklrag jhssqapwm viawmi nfgt uxgqxna

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