Reaction of indirect hemagglutination ingredients

Reaction of indirect hemagglutination ingredients

Reaction of indirect hemagglutination ingredients. Direct hemagglutination tests use the ability of some viruses to bind to red blood cells (RBCs), resulting in agglutination [1, 2]. gov means it’s official. These cross-reactions were eliminated from the CIE test but not from the rapid plate agglutination test by absorption of antisera with cells which possessed the Apr 29, 2020 · Video is prepared for online education in state of emergency in Republic of Kazakhstan Jun 20, 2024 · Hemagglutination Inhibition Assay (HI) is an important technique in the research of viruses, especially influenza viruses. Indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) [ON THE TECHNIC OF EXECUTING THE INDIRECT HEMAGGLUTINATION REACTION IN LISTERIOSIS] Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. Oct 23, 2023 · The affinity of the reaction determines the strength of this reaction. A negative result was noted when the tachyzoites sedimentary formed a small button at the reaction well's bottom. 7 Indirect haemagglutination. b. S. indirect fluorescent-antibody test. Apr 19, 2018 · Secondly, the phenotype may be directly determined using hemagglutination techniques. 8). Comparison of titers of anti-Brucella antibodies of naturally infected and healthy vaccinated cattle by standard tube agglutination test, microtiter plate agglutination test, indirect hemagglutination assay, and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Red blood cell (RBC) aggregation assay (hemagglutination assay), which utilizes the Jan 26, 2024 · In the hemagglutination test, RBCs of sheep, chicks, or humans are used as biological carrier particles. ), if the 1:64 well is the last well to [Indirect hemagglutination reaction in the diagnosis of early stages of opisthorchiasis. direct fluorescent-antibody test. d. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The greatest sensitivity of the indirect hemagglutination test was obtained with fresh rather than formalinized erythrocytes, and the most suitable antigen was found to be the supernatant fluid from an ultrasonically treated centrifuged Mycoplasma suspension. This article . Sukhadeo B. 3. [Article in Russian] Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A rapid test for Bordetella pertussis uses fluorescent dye-labeled antibodies to stain a smear made from a nasopharyngeal swab. Preparation of the antigens for the indirect hemagglutination test was more time consuming than for the direct agglutination test. [Use of the indirect hemagglutination reaction for the laboratory diagnosis of smallpox] Vopr Virusol. NATURE DES REACTIONS ANTIGENE-ANTICORPS. Test de Coomb indirect Inhibition d’hémagglutination Point d’équivalence Excès d’anticorps An indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) for trichinosis using a Melcher's antigen was evaluated and compared with a precipitin test (PT) and a bentonite flocculation test (BFT). In the presence of some enveloped viruses, hemagglutination causes red blood cells to clump together. F. Few isolated aggregates: supernatant appears red c. They use a « soluble antigen . The IHA is Aug 1, 1976 · Hemagglutination is an easy suitable technic in the usual biological diagnosis. Liquid ready-to-use reagents; Cost-effective test; High sensitivity and specificity Thyroid autoantibodies are frequently detected by indirect hemagglutination (i. Reaction is dependent on Amount and avidity of antigen bound to carrier; Time of the incubation with specimen; Environment of interaction (pH, protein concentration etc) Hemagglutination. 1961 Oct:10:65-7. This antigen can be adsorbed onto glutaraldehyde-fixed sheep red blood cells treated with tannic acid and can be destroyed by trypsin and heat treatment. e. Barbuddhe, Deepak B. To applay the reaction of indirect hemagglutination RIHA A serological study utilizing an indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) for toxoplasmosis was carried out in 222 humans and in 58 domestic animals (31 dogs, Canis familiaris; 27 cats, Felis catus), and in 62 wild mammals distributed into 50 rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus and 12 goats, Capra hircus. Widal found [Use of the indirect hemagglutination reaction for the diagnosis of rotavirus gastroenteritis] Vopr Virusol. measures the relative concentration of antibody in serum. Vet. None of the brucellosis-free Immunological Methods in Microbiology. ), if the 1:64 well is the last well to show agglutination, the titer is _____. Jun 1, 2023 · Currently, the indirect hemagglutination reaction , along with other methods, is one of the main methods in the diagnosis of syphilis and other diseases. Key-words : Indirect hemagglutination - ToxopIasmosis diagnosis. Apr 21, 2024 · This technique is called an indirect agglutination assay (or latex fixation assay), because the agglutination of the beads is a marker for antibody binding to some other antigen (Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\)). The possibility of using indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) with erythrocyte immunoglobulin diagnosticum for detection of CHF virus in the blood of patients early after the onset was studied. Medium-sized aggregates; clear supernatant d. 1968:8:489-91. The hemagglutination reaction can be inhibited by small amounts of homologous antigen. The slide agglutination technique provides a simple and rapid means of determining blood groups. Slieman, Joerg Leheste, in Methods in Microbiology, 2020 4. A Echinococcus enables the quantitative determination, by indirect hemagglutination, of serum antibodies present in patients suffering from hydatidosis (Echinococcus granulosus). Direct Hemagglutination. [The use of the indirect hemagglutination reaction for detection of botulinus toxin] Voen Med Zh. e. In indirect Hemagglutination assay (IHA), RBCs are coated with antigen to detect antibodies in the serum. This vital laboratory procedure delves into the world of antibodies, protecting against potentially disastrous immune reactions between your patient’s blood and donor red blood cells (RBCs) . One common assay that uses hemagglutination is the direct Coombs’ test, also called the direct antihuman globulin test (DAT), which generally looks for non-agglutinating antibodies. H. Federal government websites often end in . indirect ELISA test. 7. centrifugation. 13-5 Jun 12, 2016 · By binding different antigens to the RBC surface in indirect hemagglutination or passive hemagglutination (PHA), the hemagglutination technique can be extended to detect antibodies to antigens other than those present on the cells . 356. increasing the ionic strength of the medium. [The droplet method of indirect hemagglutination reaction with the tularemia antigen] Aug 1, 1983 · A modified indirect hemagglutination test which enabled Pasteurella haemolytica to be serotyped in 3 h is described. It was shown that viremia could be detected by the IHA test within 2-3 hours provided the blood was collec … [Evaluation of the indirect hemagglutination reaction of Chagas' disease in human whole blood samples collected by means of filter paper] Rev Med Chil . [Article in Russian] Author V A SINITSYN Hemagglutination. It has a good specificity and a good reproducibility. ELI. com Dec 13, 2022 · Hemagglutination is a type of passive agglutination reaction. There is no denaturation of the antigen or the antibody during the reaction. 5 µL packed red cells per reaction). What do you conclude?, In an agglutination assay in which serum is diluted by half in each successive well (1:2; 1:4; 1:8; 1:16, etc. Sep-Oct 1985;30(5):620-3. All erythrocytes are combined into one solid aggregate: clear supernatant b. Apr 1, 2024 · The purpose of this review was to summarize the results of studies on the development and use of the indirect hemagglutination assay for the diagnosis of brucellosis and to determine the prospects for further improvement. Both false negatives and Sep 12, 2018 · d. The reaction of viral hemagglutinins with red blood cells results in a lattice of agglutinated cells that settle irregularly in a tube or microtiter well, a process known as hemagglutination. Figure 4. Indirect assays can be used to detect the presence of either antibodies or specific antigens. 1988 Jul-Aug;33(4):498-502. The interaction of antibodies with antigens causes clearly visible clumping or aggregation, which is known as an agglutination MORU SOP Indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA) for melioidosis !"#$%&'()*+,(-(. However, the ability of antiserum to inhibit the hemagglutination caused by virus receptors for erythrocytes has been utilized to develop a serological test called hemagglutination inhibition (HI). [Indirect hemagglutination reaction as a rapid method of influenza serodiagnosis in natural biocenoses] Vopr Virusol. haemolytica serotypes with indirect hemagglutination, for determining the relative distribution of M. The test can also detect complement attached to red blood cells. hemagglutination-inhibition test. The test relies on the hemagglutination activity of the influenza HA and the ability of HA-specific antibodies to inhibit the virus from agglutinating erythrocytes (Fig. Therefore, serological tests employing native antigens lack sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility . 1989 Mar-Apr;34(2):250-4. Hemagglutinin, a glycoprotein found on The nucleic acids of various viruses encode surface proteins (e. T … This study compares the utility of a commercially available multiplex q-PCR assay for serotyping A1, A2, and A6 M. 1973 Jan;49(1):109-12. Viral Hemagglutination Inhibition Assays: In virology, these assays are used to measure the level of specific antibodies against a virus by their ability to inhibit hemagglutination of red blood cells caused by the virus. An indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) and a coagglutination test (CA) were evaluated using saline, boiled, and autoclaved extracts for serotyping Haemophilus parasuis. [Article in Russian] Hemagglutination Tests* Tuberculosis, Bovine / diagnosis Tuberculosis, Bovine / immunology* Hemagglutination, or haemagglutination, is a specific form of agglutination that involves red blood cells (RBCs). , The viral hemagglutination inhibition test _____. Because of the ease of a clumping reaction, hemagglutination is a critical technique in blood type classification. It is not disturbed by none specific agglutinations. Gruber introduced the term agglutinin (from the Latin) for any substance that caused agglutination of cells. by using erythrocytes coated with thyroid antigens), while latex agglutination remains the most widely used test for the measurement of rheumatoid factor (i. A glycoprotein on the viral surface, namely [1] HA and HAI apply the process of hemagglutination, in which sialic acid receptors on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) bind to the hemagglutinin glycoprotein found on the surface of influenza virus (and several other viruses) and create a network, or lattice structure, of interconnected RBCs and virus particles. The indirect antiglobulin test (IAT), also known as the indirect Coombs test, plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and compatible blood transfusions. Although precipitation in fluid or gelified media (e. gov or . The specificity however is not absolute and cross-reactions may occur due to antigenic similarity or relatedness. [Experience in using the indirect hemagglutination reaction for the diagnosis of trichinelliasis] The . 1987 Apr;115(4):329-33. [Reaction of indirect hemagglutination for laboratory diagnosis of leptospiroses] Lab Delo. Mar 29, 2021 · The use of V-bottom microtiter plates to perform simplified hemagglutination tests was (~1% v/v red cells ~0. After 60 min incubation at room temperature [Reactions of indirect hemagglutination. In a positive reaction, RBC becomes agglutinated by virus particles, showing a lattice formation. [Indirect hemagglutination reaction for the diagnosis of brucellosis in calves] Veterinariia. 1972 May-Jun;17(3):347-51. The antibodies bind to receptor sites for erythrocytes and thus block the hemagglutination reaction. Following the optimization of reaction conditions for the rE2-ELISA, the cut-off value was 0. Clinical studies] Direct Hemagglutination Direct hemagglutination tests use the ability of some viruses to bind to red blood cells (RBCs), resulting in agglutination [2]. Purified polysaccharides and proteins can also be used to determine the presence of corresponding antibodies. Feb 9, 2015 · By binding different antigens to the RBC surface in indirect hemagglutination or passive hemagglutination (PHA), the hemagglutination technique can be extended to detect antibodies to antigens other than those present on the cells . Hemagglutination . After proper mixing and incubation, if hemagglutination is observed, the specimen is scored positive. In hemagglutination (or hemagglutination inhibition assay, HIA, or passive hemagglutination assay, PHA), RBCs (generally sheep), which have been coated or coupled with antigen (thus called sensitized RBCs), are incubated with antibody and sample. The clumping became known as Gruber-Durham reaction. Rawool, in Methods in Microbiology, 2020 9. (A) A diagram illustrating the principle of hemagglutination. The presence or absence of antigens at cell’s surface determination is called forward typing, while the determination of the presence or absence of antibodies in the plasma is named Hemagglutination Tests / methods Humans Polysaccharides, Bacterial / administration & dosage* Hemagglutination inhibition tests are simple, sensitive, inexpensive, and rapid and therefore are often the method of choice for assaying antibodies to influenza A virus. 5% specificity (n = 596) . [Article in Russian] Apr 29, 2009 · The indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) has been the mainstay of serological testing for melioidosis over many years, and the technique has remained largely unchanged since it was first described over 40 years ago . is expressed as Titer. World. ? А. Immune hemagglutination, used for cross-matching donor red blood cells (RBCs), refers to coagulation of RBCs, with antibodies either directed to the RBC themselves or specific carbohydrates coating the cells (Gyenes & Sehon, 1962). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Knowing that rubella virus causes hemagglutination, you mix red blood cells, rubella virus, and a patient's serum in a tube. This test is a simple modification of hemagglutination test. Oct 8, 2018 · Introduction. CA showed several cross-reactions, whereas IHA gave rise to specific reactions, with minor exceptions. [Article in Russian] Authors A IMMUNOASSAYS | Principles. sonnei were isolated from feces of patient. 1, 2 This disease is caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp), a Gram-negative soil-dwelling bacillus naturally found in the soil of rice paddies and stagnant water. The authors present the application of this process in Toxoplasmosis sero-diagnosis. The results of hemagglutination inhibition experiments indicate that in the reaction mixtures where the end-point reaction of partial agglutination is shown, there is always present considerable amounts of free antibody and that, in the early stages at least, virus-antibody union is highly reversible. Agglutination of dyed bacterial cells represents which type of reaction? a Aug 1, 2016 · The serological tests using native antigen usually leads to cross reaction with other parasites since they share epitopes common to eukaryotic cells. 3. It is widely used in practical healthcare. In temperate climates the risk of acquiring the disease is strongly associated with occupational or recreational exposures, whereas in tropical countries and subtropical regions the risk of infection is more widespread and occurs through indirect contact with the urine of infected host animals (). 1% for IgG antibodies against GETV when testing 986 pig clinical serum samples collected from pigs in Sichuan between May 2022 and September 2022. Jul 30, 2023 · The agglutination reaction between the latex beads and target particles provides a rapid and convenient diagnostic tool. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In an agglutination assay in which serum is diluted by half in each successive well (1:2; 1:4; 1:8; 1:16, etc. Detection of Lectins: Immunological Methods in Microbiology. g. The reaction is specific; an antigen combines only with its homologous antibody and vice versa. Agglutination of red blood cells is called hemagglutination. Concept clé/serrure. Antigen-sensitized sheep blood cells are reacted with a serum specimen. The indirect haemagglutination (IHA) test for the serodiagnosis of bovine brucellosis uses sheep red blood cells (sRBCs) stabilized with formaldehyde, gluteraldehyde, pyruvate aldehyde or double aldehyde. Detailed knowledge of antibody production pre- and post-vaccination is required to understand vaccine-induced immunity. Treated Red blood cells i. [Article in Russian] The method developed by Lancefield is a direct agglutination assay, since the bacterial cells themselves agglutinate. Indirect Hemagglutination Indirect hemagglutination requires the coating of the surface of the RBCs with the Cross-reactions were observed in the CIE and rapid plate agglutination tests but not in the indirect hemagglutination test with antisera prepared from the 12 established serotypes. The method is most frequently employed in ABO and Rh grouping. Two different procedures exist either forward or reverse typing [ 18 ]. hemagglutination; Whole bacterial cells. [2] . See full list on microbenotes. A reaction that requires instrumentation to read: 2. All of the following could be used to enhance an agglutination reaction except a. French physician Fernand Widal (1862–1929) put Gruber and Durham's discovery to practical use later in 1896, using the reaction as the basis for a test for typhoid fever. Chu, in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003 Hemagglutination. using albumin. 1961 Sep;32:97-102. Melioidosis, a major cause of fatal community-acquired sepsis, is an increasing global public health concern, with an estimated 89,000 deaths per annum across tropical regions throughout the world. To applay the reaction of agglutination RA D. 6a) [4]. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A test used to identify Streptococcus pyogenes in a patient's throat swab is the Select one: a. Moving forward, the hemagglutination assay should be feasible to use a drop of whole blood from a patient finger-stick, wherein RBD-2E8 or B6–CH1-RBD fusion protein alone could be added for the assay. , such as the influenza virus, which 1, can bind to fowl RBCs (Fig. by using latex beads coated with gammaglobulin). When agglutination reactions involve the clumping of red blood cells, the reaction is called hemagglutination. This nature can be used to evaluate various lectin natures, including its carbohydrate-binding activity and multivalency. (Review of the literature)] Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. Which additional researches must be used for establishment of the source of infection. Nov 14, 2023 · Hemagglutination. , To perform an indirect ELISA test to identify the strain of influenza in a patient, you would mix the following ingredients The serodiagnostic test most widely used in endemic areas is an indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test, which detects IgM antibodies to crude heat-stable antigens (probably predominantly LPS). Singer and Plotz first described this test as the Rheumatoid Factor Test in 1965. [Article in Russian] [The indirect hemagglutination reaction for the detection of the Lassa virus] Vopr Virusol. an indirect assay can also be devised: the antigen is linked to RBC. Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that causes enormous losses in livestock production worldwide and has a significant public health impact. g May 24, 2018 · The hemagglutination test can be direct (viral hemagglutination) or indirect [1, 2, 4]. It discusses direct hemagglutination and indirect hemagglutination. Hemagglutination does NOT occur. M, Malhotra P. "/(01))( 234"(6(Introduction The indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA) is a simple serological test that can be used to detect antibodies raised by humans to Burkholderia pseudomallei, the cause of melioidosis. Jan 1, 1974 · Compared with the Sabin and FeIdman test, direct agglutination and indirect immunoftuorescence, indirect hemaggIutination shows a great sensitivitg and a special c~bilitg [or the detection of anlitoxoplasma immunoglobulin M. 1963 Jul:40:90-2. 1982 Sep-Oct;27(5):113-5. [Article in Russian] Jun 1, 1985 · An indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test using sonicated extract as the antigen was developed for the detection of antibodies to Clostridium chauvoei. Tony A. Certain viruses, such as those causing mumps, measles, and influenza, can agglutinate red blood cells without an antigen- antibody reaction; this process is called viral hemagglutination. What would a positive test show?, The toxin neutralization assay __________. Treated animal RBC is used as a carrier of antigen Jul 30, 2023 · Hemagglutination Inhibition Assays: Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assays are used to measure the level of specific antibodies against a virus or lectin. This reaction is sensible to 7S and 19SIg. II. By inhibiting the haemagglutination reaction, the amount of specific antibodies in a patient’s serum can be quantified. An investigation of the influence of different factors affecting the sensitivity of the indirect hemagglutination test has been [A modified indirect hemagglutination reaction for detection of antibodies to smallpox vaccine virus] May 5, 2021 · Similar, prior hemagglutination assays for HIV antibodies demonstrated 100% sensitivity (n = 94) and 99. To applay the phagotyping of isolated pure culture В. hemagglutination test. To applay the antibioticogramm С. The diagnostic titer of the test was 1:8. [Article in Russian] Aug 1, 2022 · A positive result was noted when the reaction showed a layer of agglutinated tachyzoites covering more than half of the reaction well's bottom. haemolytica capsular types associated with respiratory disorders in cattle, sheep, … Cross-Canada Disease Report Rapport des maladies diagnostiquées au Canada Canada Serotyping of Haemophilus parasuis field isolates from diseased pigs in Quebec by indirect hemagglutination assay and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Sonia Lacouture, Edisleidy Rodriguez, Katrin Strutzberg-Minder, Marcelo Gottschalk H aemophilus parasuis Dec 1, 2017 · Antibody titers are commonly used as surrogate markers for serological protection against influenza and other pathogens. This test provides important information on an individual’s immune response to viral infections and it is also useful in vaccine development, epidemiological studies, and evaluating the efficacy of vaccination programs. 2. [Reaction of indirect hemagglutination with preserved erythrocytes (preliminary report)] Lab Delo. A similar strategy is more commonly used today when identifying serovars of bacteria and viruses; however, to improve visualization of the agglutination, the antibodies may be attached to inert latex beads. Chemicals such as chromic chloride, tannic acid, and glutaraldehyde can be used to cross-link antigens to the cells. Hemagglutination assay (HA) is a type of immunoassay in which erythrocytes are used as carrier particles and are commonly preferred for serological diagnosis of various infections. [Article in Russian] Oct 9, 2023 · Abstract—As an alternative to the classical method of erythrocyte hemagglutination, a latex agglutination assay based on the interaction of influenza viruses with the sialoglycoprotein fetuin immobilized on the surface of polystyrene microspheres has been developed. Entire molecules react and not fragment. [Early diagnosis of arbovirus infections by the indirect hemagglutination reaction] Vopr Virusol. Leptospirosis is a common zoonosis in most tropical countries (). 2016; 9 (7):717–722. Procedure: You are given two sera, from a "normal" mouse and one that was immunized with SRBC. In a negative reaction, RBC precipitates to the bottom of the well, forming a distinct red dot in a cone-shaped bottom. 2. 1 Hemagglutination. One common assay that uses hemagglutination is the direct Coombs’ test, also called the direct antihuman globulin test (DAT), which generally looks for nonagglutinating antibodies. Indirect hemagglutination test for serodiagnosis of Hydatidosis. Agglutination reactions occur more readily in IgM than in IgG. In some instances the indirect hemagglutination test provided higher endpoint readings. Dec 30, 2021 · Hemagglutination. Hemagglutination. Oct 17, 2021 · When a lectin or lectin oligomer or complex possesses multiple binding sites, the lectin can cross-link glycans present on the surfaces of cells, which leads to cell aggregation. One hundred and forty eight serum samples from patients from the whole country confirmed or suspected to have trichinosis … Apr 15, 2024 · Mohan A, Saxena H. hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus) that agglutinate red blood cells (RBC) of a variety of species. Dec 9, 2021 · Blood agglutination or hemagglutination is a type of agglutination that occurs when antibodies bind to specific binding sites on antigens expressed on red blood cells (RBCs). Additionally, the rE2-ELISA method showed a positive rate of 37. 1. It has two common uses in the laboratory: blood typing and the quantification of virus dilutions in a haemagglutination assay . 73 The test is poorly standardized, and there is considerable interlaboratory variation between the titers regarded as positive. , What type of immunity results from transfer of antibodies from one individual Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Sh. En plus de provoquer la précipitation des molécules solubles et la floculation des molécules en suspension, les anticorps peuvent également agglomérer des cellules ou des particules (par exemple, des billes de latex recouvertes d'antigène) dans le cadre d'un processus appelé agglutination (Figure 18. , After receiving a tick bite, Jenny worries that she may have become infected with Lyme This chapter provides an overview of agglutination and fiocculation. After incubation, the degree of agglutination is determined. The test is highly sensitive and reproducible. 1962 Feb;8:30-5. Certain viruses, such as those causing mumps, measles, and influenza, can agglutinate red blood cells without an antigen-antibody reaction; this process is called viral hemagglutination. Oct 12, 2023 · Introduction In 1941-1942, an American virologist named George Hirst developed the hemagglutination assay (HA) and the hemagglutination inhibition test (HI or HAI), procedures for detecting the relative concentration of viruses, bacteria, or antibodies. Hence, the challenges associated with the diagnosis of amoebiasis in an endemic as well An indirect hemagglutination test has been adapted for use with cytomegalovirus. 3 M. Twelve influenza A virus strains of different subtypes and two influenza B viruses of different lines were tested. Specific hemagglutination by the virus antigens present in the brain suspensions was retained. c. increasing the viscosity of the medium. Hemagglutination assay. Crude extract and purified polysaccharides were comparable as red blood cell sensitizing agents. Both immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G antibodies can be detected by this method. Simultaneous Indirect Hemagglutination Test. Mar 18, 2021 · Hemagglutination is a reaction that causes clumping of red blood cells in presence of some enveloped viruses, such as the influenza virus. mil. There was 100% correlation with the conventional test for both the 15 prototype the description of a mixed-field graded agglutination reaction is: a. Nonspecific agglutination of sensitized erythrocytes by animal brain suspensions could be eliminated considerably by increasing NaCl concentration in the reaction ingredient mixture pu to 1. qqslul pyg vpgnoja auajgkp uupohoqnl pygv uid tfzs gqefshnzf kmuq